Nemanja Ganz

Info: Resident

Current Time
Nemanja Ganz is Not Available to Talk

Currently Traveling, Mann Co. from 14:46 to 14:49

Age: 49
D.O.B.: 12 28 1935
Nationality: American
Occupation: No Occupation
Employer: No Employer on 3 shift
Description: Human, Male, White, Speaks:english US, Hair:Brown Light, Eyes:Brown, Build:average, Hair Length:short, Hair Style:curly, Height:5' 10, Weight:156.8, BMI:22.5, Zodiac:Capricorn, Traits: reliable, smart, dominant, mature Hobbies: bird watching, Music: blues, Food:italian, Games:rpg, Earns:26562 Recreation:nature watching, Orientation:straight
Story Details: No Story Details
Address: 83,57
Vehicles: No Vehicle
Details: No other details

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